Local Government
Councils have always been faced with change – this time around the scale is even larger and today’s challenge is driving major efforts at redesigning an digitising services, introducing new ways of working and driving new forms of service delivery.
Digital First believes that it is essentially to create an integrated digital strategy to understand the scale of investment needed, the priorities for technology transformation and identify the changes to create a better customer experience at lower cost.
Our philosophy is ‘Digital by Choice’
Read MoreHealth & Social Care
Managing the pressures and demands of health and social care services, and creating modern digitised services where data in opening shared amongst key organisations is the great public sector challenge of our times.
Health Services, through its digital first focus and Sustainability and Transformation Plans and Social Care, implementing elements of the Care Act and seeking to become more integrated and digital in its service delivery have many challenges.
Digital First brings a range of insight and solutions to help health and social care organisations.
Read MoreHousing
Digital First works with Local Authority Housing Services, Housing Associations and RSLs proving a range of specialist support and advice on digital transformation. We have undertaken digital strategy and investment case development, designed the front office for customer engagement and helped define a new customer relationship management system.
Social Housing also has major challenges in connecting its tenants and encouraging digital take-up and inclusion and Digital First has worked closely to broker relationships with the private sector to enable such investments.
UK Policing
The UK police landscape has undergone the most fundamental change ever. The introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), the creation of the National Crime Agency, the College of Policing and Police IT Company all fundamentally change the dynamics of policing.
Added to this ACPO’s future was the subject of an independent report earlier this year, conducted by the highly respected General Sir Nick Parker and delivered to the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners. General Parker made some very insightful and interesting recommendations about ACPO, including looking at the future of the ACPO national units and how they are administered, and also in relation to ACPO’s role as the voice of operational police leadership.
Read MoreHigher Education
With over 300 higher education institutions in the UK, competition to attract top students is fierce. This is set against a decline in student applications experienced since tuition fee levels for universities in England were increased. Universities now need to ensure that the entire student lifecycle is as efficient and as student orientated as possible, converting as many individuals as possible from those simply “showing interest” to students who actually enrol.
Our role at Leeds university managing the transformation programme that is creating an end-to-end student experience and moving the university towards the concept of a digital campus has given us a unique insight into how this whole concept can create a truly different model for…
Read MoreCentral Government
Whitehall departments are under pressure as never before, faced with shrinking budgets, economic uncertainty and growing demand for public services.
In response, ministers and officials have started generated innovative solutions, and some departments are merging, others are driving forward shared services – but further spending cuts and economic challenges loom.
Our consultants have been working in a number of departments including the Home Office, Department for Transport, DWP, HMRC and DEFRA. We have led a number of Change Programmes within…
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