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Central Government

Whitehall departments are under pressure as never before, faced with shrinking budgets, economic uncertainty and growing demand for public services.

In response, ministers and officials have started generated innovative solutions, and some departments are merging, others are driving forward shared services – but further spending cuts and economic challenges loom.

Our consultants have been working in a number of departments including the Home Office, Department for Transport, DWP, HMRC and DEFRA. We have led a number of Change Programmes within Central Government, including the College of Policing Change Portfolio funded by the Home Office.

DigitalFirst is able to provide shared service expertise and has been working closely with the Cabinet Office in this area; we have also in a number of cases provided commercial advice.

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Mosscare St Vincent’s – Developing a Digital Strategy

Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.  Through a technology review,  staff engagement and outcome based workshops we assessed the baseline position and created the digital transformation roadmap and project priorities for MSV.

Our collaborative style of working with MSV helped secure a cross organisational buy-in to the transformation roadmap and now forms a key strand of its Back to Basic transformation programme.

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Unlocking organisations in the new normal
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Deploying 5G in the digital place
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Supporting 5G and full fibre digital infrastructure
8th, March 2020

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