The Challenge
Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.
The challenges facing MSV included:
- Far too many letters were being sent to tenants and leaseholders at great cost
- The high cost of housing repairs and lack of digital process across key service areas
- Telephone call handling performance was falling with 20% calls abandoned
- Staff mobile working was very limited with all teams having to come back to the office to manually input data into various systems
- MSV website and intranet were on old and unsupported technology, offered a poor customer experience and take up of the customer portal was low at 10%
- True digital transactions, without the need for staff to get involved at only 5%, well below
The Solution
We developed the Digital Transformation and Technology Strategy by:
- Engaging with the organisation and stakeholders to produce findings, identify digital maturity strengths and weaknesses and looking for inclusion opportunities within the digital strategy.
- Developed a technology architecture with a new digital experience platform and a rationalised number of fully integrated applications, a new customer portal and website and a fully functional staff mobile working solution.
- Provided an overview of investment costs which included, true costs and benefits assumptions and the level of investment required in order for the strategy to progress into a digital transformation programme.
- Produced relevant documentation which included presentations and a recommendations document to provide details of the actions, decisions and next steps need to enforce the strategy.
The Results and Benefits
The digital strategy provides key financial benefits that provide savings for MSV which include:
- Savings of up to £2.63m, with recurring savings of £864k by Year 4 of the Digital Transformation strategy.
- Deployment of AI/chatbots for customer contact increases savings due to automating enquires and information gathering
- True digital transactions increasing from 5% to up to 50% over 3 years
- Services becoming easier to access, more responsive and quicker to process for staff and customers
- Less pressure on the customer services team due to the introduction of self-service for all enquires and limiting avoidable and traditional forms of contact