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Helping harness digital technology to transform and integrate services

For many organisations change and transformation is a never ending, and often exhausting, journey. In the digital world we live in the pace of change is accelerating, especially tech enablement as a platform for real service disruption and fundamental service redesign.

In short it is becoming a race for relevance, not only cost control, as customers are demanding more accessible and faster, better services through digital channels

Digital First can help design and deliver the new forms of the enabled transformation now needed to drive change.

Tech Transformation

Digital First helps to drive digital disruption in organisations through the scoping, design and delivery of tech transformation programmes.

We help clients gain insight into digital strategy, develop tech road maps, pinpoint key digital infrastructure and business improvement projects, build investment cases, delivery quick wins and organise programmes in readiness for delivery.

We bring experienced technical solutions specialists and architects, proven programme and project leads and bags of energy to work with internal teams to move things forward.

The Digital First brokerage network also means we can help identify and manage programme and project delivery of key tech enablement projects.


Integration between services, or integrating data across services such as between health and social care and justice services, is increasing important to gain a single view of the customer and use information intelligently to see trends, target interventions and prioritise resources.

Digital First is seeing new models of disruptive working appear, such as care marketplace, brokerage models and common data platforms.  Integration is underpinned by having the right digital infrastructure, governance and authentication to manage cyber security.

Digital First with its pool of specialists and brokered partners can help organisations plan its integration strategy, act as intermediaries to connect clients to solutions or can help build solutions

Our work with Harrow Council help move their social care marketplace towards a wider health and commercial opportunity. Find out more…


Improving collaboration with customers, members and other stakeholders is crucial for the success of any organisation, and a new wave of Digital Tools and platforms now make this even easier and cost effective to achieve.  Digital First have a strategic partnership with Higher Logic to implement their community and collaboration platform.

Higher Logic is a leading provider of online engagement and marketing automation tools and the world’s leading provider of online communities for professional associations, trade associations, and membership organisations.

Around the world, thousands of professional associations, software user groups, not-for-profits, and customer groups utilise Higher Logic to facilitate private, secure communities, drive interactions, and facilitate knowledge sharing and engagement. Core stakeholders and constituents communicate and share information. The resources, best practices, and experiences created are invaluable for both end-users and the organisations and companies that facilitate the environments. The tools develop your customer and member culture through vibrant managed discussions, quick response times, better staff support relationships, and the depth of knowledge produced.

Organisations are moving to collaborating and sharing services at a far quicker pace than ever.  Digital infrastructure often lies at the heart of successful collaboration – ensuring services are available, operate on common technology and data can be securely exchanged.

Migration to cloud, either private or public, is becoming an important part of sharing infrastructure to enable greater inter-operability, application rationalisation and fully flexible ways of working.

Digital First works with clients to design and deliver or commission its technical road map to build shared services, migrate to cloud, building a digital platform and network that is resilient and future proof enough to meet the digital demands of the organisation.  Our work at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers is helping to do just that.  Find out more…


Mosscare St Vincent’s – Developing a Digital Strategy

Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.  Through a technology review,  staff engagement and outcome based workshops we assessed the baseline position and created the digital transformation roadmap and project priorities for MSV.

Our collaborative style of working with MSV helped secure a cross organisational buy-in to the transformation roadmap and now forms a key strand of its Back to Basic transformation programme.

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