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Stephen Gray

Stephen leads Digital First and has a specialist focus on strategy across the digital place.  He is an experienced digital transformation and fibre/5G infrastructure consultant and delivery director and works in support of 5G and LFFN programmes, adding commercial and technical experience to clients.

He supports organisations on strategic change, technology enablement and place based strategies for digital transformation and the deployment of 5G and fibre that enable smart places and cities.  He develops strategies and investments cases that drive external funding campaigns and organisational transformation programmes.

He combines both an astute commercial view of digital transformation – a Digital ROI – and an ability to innovate and help clients to re-think and ‘disrupt’ service delivery. Stephen is recognised as a leader and innovator in the creation of new commercials models, an ability to design and establish new service models and create entities that benefit not only the client but also promote wider economic growth.

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Unlocking organisations in the new normal
6th, May 2020

The shock and awe of Covid-19 The social and economic impact of Covid-19 cannot be understated. The seismic shock on the national economy is super-massive and will be a huge trench from which to...

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Deploying 5G in the digital place
12th, March 2020

The evolution of 5G At the end of 2027, the expectation is that 5G will become real and ubiquitous with mobile providers already marketing those fancy handsets to the early adopters. Alongside commercial investment...

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Supporting 5G and full fibre digital infrastructure
8th, March 2020

The government has set ambitious targets to roll out 1Gbps ‘full’ fibre across the UK by 2033 and to enable 5G by 2027. For this reason Digital First has been supporting local authorities, city...

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