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The Social Care Marketplace

Creating, design and building new disruptive service delivery model and tech platform


Social Care is facing unprecedented challenge and change following the Care Act. It needs to move from what is a traditional model and embrace new service delivery models that are driven by digital change.

DigitalFirst’s Digital Change Model© is a dynamic approach to helping organisations through their digital journey from strategic ambition to execution and measuring success through the customer experience and a return on investment.

Disruptive service design and deployment sits at the heart of our Change Model and this offering supports and creates the Social Care Marketplace.

Our offering includes helping take clients through an incremental methodology that leads to the design and build of the Social Care Marketplace. This includes

• Developing the vision and case for the social care marketplace including the strategic outline case, customer experience journey mapping
• Building the commercial case and construction of the proof of concept to demonstrate how it operates and the benefits it brings
• Creating the service delivery model or partnership model to managing the service management, brokerage and tech layers of the Social Care Marketplace
• Design, build and/or procurement support to work with tech partners to construct the technology platform and system integration required
• Set up and execute the service programme necessary to manage the business change
• Create the Digital ROI Model© to drive forward the commercial return and deliver the new customer experience.

This is a large-scale change programme that moves typically an Adult Social care service through a disruptive design process and builds a new technology platform and service delivery model.


Our approach to working with clients is through a tailored or full programme based on their relative starting point and the scale of the digital change envisioned. We design our programme based upon where the client currently are in the thinking and development of the social care marketplace.

The key features of our Social Care Marketplace offering are:

• An end-to-end digital change methodology that takes a social care client from the conceiving of the social care marketplace to its design, build and implementation
• A cloud-based technology platform that integrates the Council CRM and other tech infrastructure that is a safe secure environment to manage the social care market
• A service management layer that has customer and supplier processes that promotes, on-boards, accredits, and contract
• A brokerage module that supports, facilities and enables user contract and service requirements via a Direct Payments system
• A secure (IL2 standard) authentication and authorisation sign-on interface
• An intelligence module that manages the market data analytics and helps Councils understand the spend patterns, market shape and economics of the local market to influence commissioning strategy and the RAS
• A business change and Digital ROI support capability that enables clients to fully implement and deliver the intended service benefits
• A licensing and service management model that gives clients a clear view on the cost of managing the new service model.


The key benefits of deploying the Social Care Marketplace include:

• Delivers the social care challenge of moving to a new service delivery model
• Delivers a greater customer experience by connecting the Direct Payments system with a wider choice of services including Personal Assistants
• A Programme of activities that is flexible and allows clients to commission what they need at various stages of development
• An approach that builds the investment case for change through a focus on Digital ROI and the Customer Experience
• A stages process that enables the client to take stock and deciding through a gateway process from Strategic Intent to Proof of Concept, to Design, Build and Operate
• A customer centric model of digital change that engage staff fully and builds the organisations digital and change capabilities
• Deploys an agile methodology, products and services that delivers faster and better results
• Builds a collaborative and consultative process that fully engages staff and values their contribution
• It is underpinned by proven delivery and experience in the public sector on what works

For more information, please contact:

Stephen Gray

Tel: +447801 038155
Email: [email protected]

Digital First has worked alongside the bi-boroughs of Westminster City and Kensington & Chelsea Councils (the Bi-Boroughs) to provide specialist advice in the design, development and benefits evaluation of a new Adult Social Care digital platform to improve service delivery and efficiency and deliver better outcomes for service users.

We collaborated with key operational, technical and policy staff across the two boroughs to assess the design and development of the emerging digital platform to identify, capture and quantify the range of opportunities and benefits that a fully integrated digital platform for adult social care services can deliver.

The implementation of the digital platform provides financial benefits which include large savings of up to £12.3m including 3rd party savings from contract savings, overhead savings, and income generation  for the bi-boroughs.

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