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Unlocking organisations in the new normal

The shock and awe of Covid-19 The social and economic impact of Covid-19 cannot be understated. The seismic shock on the national economy is super-massive and will be a huge trench from which to rise. But the lockdown and the future way we learn to live with Covid-19 is...

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Securing LFFN & 5G funding for Plymouth

Digital First worked with Plymouth Council to provide expertise and leadership for the Council’s Digital Infrastructure ambitions. We developed its Digital Place and Infrastructure strategy, engaging locally and with the market.  In addition, we helped secure a successful a £3m LFFN  grant from DCMS and advised on its subsequent...

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Deploying 5G in the digital place

The evolution of 5G At the end of 2027, the expectation is that 5G will become real and ubiquitous with mobile providers already marketing those fancy handsets to the early adopters. Alongside commercial investment the Government is promoting funding to deliver UK wide use cases to support business deployment. ...

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Supporting 5G and full fibre digital infrastructure

The government has set ambitious targets to roll out 1Gbps ‘full’ fibre across the UK by 2033 and to enable 5G by 2027. For this reason Digital First has been supporting local authorities, city regions and combined authorities to access funding. This has been done via the Local Full...

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£1bn Shared Rural Network (SRN) deal agreed

Ministers and bosses from mobile network operators will meet this afternoon to sign a £1 billion deal to make poor and patchy rural phone coverage a thing of the past to take 4G coverage across the UK to 95% by 2025.. The world-first deal will be a huge boost...

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Tackling rural areas – 5G or not 5G?

As 5G coverage continues it early roll-out across the UK with the promise of faster speeds and more efficient user experience, there are still areas which are expected to be excluded from the benefits for a good while yet.  For many years, rural areas within the UK have faced...

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New £30m 5G Investment Fund

More digital infrastructure support to rural areas The Government has launched a £30 million UK-wide competition in order to bring 5G to countryside rural areas. It has been announced that up to ten rural areas will be picked to have 5G trials. The innovative 5G applications being demonstrated in rural areas...

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£45 million investment in rural broadband

Rural businesses and communities are set to benefit from improved broadband access as part of a £45 million boost by the government. The new funding for the government’s Rural Broadband Infrastructure Scheme adds to the £30 million investment announced last year, increasing the total pot of funding available to £75 million....

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Digital First now a G-Cloud 11 supplier

Digital First has continued its presence on the digital marketplace framework as a recently announced G-Cloud 11 supplier. The key areas that we support include helping clients further develop their customer experience and engagement through system and platform development an implementation. Our digital platform is a cloud customer engagement...

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Slow start for £400m full fibre fund but Government vows to ‘scale up’

Just £66m has been released so far as five-year scheme approaches halfway point More than two years into its five-year lifespan, a £400m government fund to support the rollout of fibre networks has only handed out a sixth of its available money. The Digital Infrastructure Investment Fund (DIIF) was...

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Unlocking organisations in the new normal
6th, May 2020

The shock and awe of Covid-19 The social and economic impact of Covid-19 cannot be understated. The seismic shock on the national economy is super-massive and will be a huge trench from which to...

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Deploying 5G in the digital place
12th, March 2020

The evolution of 5G At the end of 2027, the expectation is that 5G will become real and ubiquitous with mobile providers already marketing those fancy handsets to the early adopters. Alongside commercial investment...

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Supporting 5G and full fibre digital infrastructure
8th, March 2020

The government has set ambitious targets to roll out 1Gbps ‘full’ fibre across the UK by 2033 and to enable 5G by 2027. For this reason Digital First has been supporting local authorities, city...

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