The techUK Manifesto for growth and jobs 2015-2020
techUK launches Manifesto highlighting Leadership, Trust and Inclusion . Government has key role to help the UK economy and citizens adapt to the digital future
techUK, a leading voice for the UK technology industry, publishes Securing its Digital Future: the manifesto for growth and jobs 2015-2020. It urges politicians and policy-makers to recognise the critical significance of the global digital revolution. Voters understand that their future and the future of their children depends upon how well the UK economy and society adapts to the new digital world. 65% of voters believe that it is Government’s responsibility to plan for the future.
This manifesto outlines how the next five years are crucial for the UK, not just to be a digital leader but to use digital technologies to tackle the fundamental long-term social and economic challenges for the next generation.
Securing our Digital Future calls for the next government to use technology-led innovation to deliver high quality public services; increase productivity; and secure a million new jobs that help drive an inclusive and secure society [2]. The manifesto sets out what the next government, working in collaboration with industry, must do to build on progress already achieved to secure our digital potential.
Julian David, CEO of techUK says: “Tech and digital have a fundamental role to play in almost everything the next government will need to do, as we continue to rebuild our economy for the 21st century. That’s why today techUK is launching its manifesto as a roadmap to 2020. The key message for politicians is that voters and industry alike want the Government to secure our digital future.”
The call to action includes:
Powerful new UK leadership roles in government, EU and beyond
techUK calls for the appointment of dedicated Digital Ministers in every department, a new Chief Privacy Officer, a new FCO Digital Trade Tsar and a leading voice in Europe. The next government should set a clear objective to double UK tech exports by 2020, bringing billions of extra value to the UK economy and supporting integrated trade such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the tech sector.
A comprehensive package of science, innovation and talent
One in seven start-ups in the UK was founded by a migrant. techUK calls for a ‘smart migration’ policy that allows high growth companies to tap in to the world’s best talent, alongside measures to strengthen the pipeline of home grown skills. techUK also calls for ten-year innovation budgets that extend beyond parliamentary cycles as a platform for long term growth.
“Digital-trust-by-default” across the public and private sector
techUK calls for the UK to be a world-leading domain in data protection, with a commitment to free speech on the web and a clear legal framework for government surveillance. There is also a need to strengthen public confidence in the use of data, with 18% of individuals reporting ‘loss of privacy’ as a drawback of innovation.
Deliver on “digital for everyone”
The next government must also ensure that the whole of the UK benefits, ensuring jobs and growth beyond the South East of England and doubling the digital participation of SMEs across all industries. techUK calls for government to commit to properly fund a digital inclusion programme to ensure that everyone has basic online skills by 2020, and that no one is left behind by digital innovation.
Julian David continues: “There’s no doubt we are moving in the right direction. There has been a step change in understanding just how significant these changes are and that we are in a global race. The next five years must be about bringing greater scale and pace to the digital transformation of our country. From skills to infrastructure, digital government to digital health, we have to think big and get the job done. Get it right and the action we take over the next five years can secure our digital future for the next thirty.”
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