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Understanding where you are as an organisation and what your customers really think is the first step of your digital journey

DigitalFirst helps organisations gain insight into its digital maturity – what your customer think and how your organisation and staff responds – and where it needs to focus.

Digital maturity matters in every industry. The approaches that digitally mature organisations use can be adopted by any organisation that has the leadership drive to do so. No matter where you are on your journey to becoming a more digitally enabled business, you must figure out where you are today. We can help you assess your digital capabilities by asking you a few probing questions.

We can use this insight to establish your level of Digital Maturity to give you useful strategic roadmap for what you need to do to advance to the next level, we give you a Digital Improvement Plan that includes critical priorities.

We will work with you to design and deploy insight tools that help understand the customer experience and what they want and the organisations readiness to meet this challenge.  Out toolkits, underpinned by organisational and customer research, help ask questions such as:

  • How digitally optimised are you in understanding your customer experiences?
  • How digitally connected are your products and services and how do these enhance the customer journey through your organisation?
  • How well do you utilise the digital data sources that you have and how well do you use analytics to learn and refine the services you provide?
  • Do your customers / citizens rely on access to your core systems to enhance their customer experience or gain up to date information about key transactions?
  • How digitally optimised are your business processes?
  • Do you use digital technology to engage customer/citizens and partners in the creation of innovative products and services?
  • Do you use agile and iterative techniques to develop new products and services?
  • How agile are you as an organisation, are you able to change quickly in response to changes in external factors?

Insight gives you foresight. Let us help you on your digital journey.

For more information on our service please contact Stephen Gray via [email protected] or 07801 038155 or

Mosscare St Vincent’s – Developing a Digital Strategy

Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.  Through a technology review,  staff engagement and outcome based workshops we assessed the baseline position and created the digital transformation roadmap and project priorities for MSV.

Our collaborative style of working with MSV helped secure a cross organisational buy-in to the transformation roadmap and now forms a key strand of its Back to Basic transformation programme.

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