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Digital Strategy

We believe all organisations need a Digital Strategy to help build a clear vision of the future and a roadmap for getting there.

DigitalFirst helps customers on their digital journey, helping to create a language for the organisation and a strategy and roadmap for moving forward its priorities

All organisations face a bewildering array of new digital opportunities. The public sector in particular has the biggest ‘drag’ in embracing digital yet a revolution is underway that is driven effectively by its customers. Equally employees often have better digital solutions at home than they do at work, and many customers and citizens are more technology savvy than those serving them give them credit for.

Consider this: 1.2 billion people now log onto Facebook every month, sharing 684,478 pieces of content every second. Google processes 100 billion searches every month and 58 million tweets are sent daily. There are more than 6 billion mobile phones, 800m iTunes accounts, a billion Facebook users and 100,000 tweets sent a minute. Digital will continue to transform our lives in ways we cannot imagine and in some cases we will not see it coming.

Our customers know there is a revolution underway, but they have few signposts to guide them. Most stories in the business media focus on fast-moving start-ups or on a few large high-tech firms like Apple, Google, or Amazon. These companies have transformed how we purchase, learn, travel and communicate. The web has disrupted entire industries and created new ones but limited attention has been paid to how successes from these industries can be applied to the public sector.

Developing your Digital Strategy

So what does it mean for the public sector, often burdened with traditional structures, inefficient processes and what can seem inflexible legacy systems?

We believe all organisations need a Digital Strategy to help build a clear vision of your new future, with a straightforward agenda and roadmap for getting you there. Our approach takes account of the following dimensions: Your digital maturity as an organisation, your business objectives, external forces or drivers (such as legislative change), your current level of digital adoption, your current digital capabilities (from a leadership, business change and technology perspective), the capabilities of your key partners, engaging staff in the journey and disrupting service design directing around and enhancing the customer’s experience.

We will work with you to define your Digital Strategy through a combination of agile and confident leadership, meaningful staff engagement, insight and innovation to create and help drive a disruptive environment that drives an enhanced customer experience and return on investment.

For more information on our service please contact Stephen Gray via [email protected] or 07801 038155 or Andrew Rogers via [email protected] or 07768 478611.

Mosscare St Vincent’s – Developing a Digital Strategy

Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.  Through a technology review,  staff engagement and outcome based workshops we assessed the baseline position and created the digital transformation roadmap and project priorities for MSV.

Our collaborative style of working with MSV helped secure a cross organisational buy-in to the transformation roadmap and now forms a key strand of its Back to Basic transformation programme.

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