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Helping our clients commercialise and monetise services

Increasingly ambitious organisations want to understand how they can become more commercial in they approach – such as the kinds of partnerships they want, the structure of service delivery and whether some of its products and services can be commercially structured to deliver a payback or return on investment.

This is especially true in services and products that involve digital technology where a more innovative approach can deliver a better return on investment – something we call Digital ROI.

Digital First has an established track record in providing commercial advice across digital technology and other service areas to help helped clients secure new revenue streams, create more innovative partnerships and deliver better value for money.


Driving new revenue streams has now become just as important as making efficiencies for organisations that seek greater financial sustainability. Our clients are not always certain of the commercial value of a service or product and how it may attract market interest.

Digital First offer great advice in helping organisations to assess product value, understand the market environment, act as commercial intermediaries to engage commercial players and help build an investment business case.

Tech related services and products offer the greatest potential, to better market, partner or deliver through shared services vehicles.  We can help clients through this entire life cycle to find the right partner and the right commercial deal.

Our recent work at Harrow Council, bringing their social care marketplace product to the commercial marketplace illustrates the value we bring – Find out more

Digital ROI

We help clients explore commercial revenue generating plans, drive value for money and secure financial benefits through our expertise and approaches.

Typical areas where clients seek help include:

Contract Review – testing the value of outsourced contracts to secure and negotiate a better deal, exit or move to a new delivery model – in IT services and other areas

Commercial Due Diligence – helping clients to understand the value of their services or products or to help assess the value of new ventures such as JVs and shared services

Strategic and full business cases to gain internal buy-in or external commitment to new commercial ventures

We provide valuable support and insight, as well as capable and honest support, to clients to help both inspire the next steps and de-risk the process.

Our work at Thurrock Council helped the client decide on the future on its outsource IT and back office services contract – Find out more

New Delivery Model

The market is moving beyond efficiencies through shared services, outsourcing deals and cost reduction and actively looking at ways to generate new income through new forms of commercial ventures – creating company structures that open up and offer new services to others, develop their own IP through investment and joint ventures.

We help navigate clients through the difficult journey to assess options – make the right choice then help set the new vehicle up, working closely with legal teams.

Such options that we help clients with include:

Public/Not for Project Vehicles –  such as Teckal structures, Mutual and Community Interest Companies

Shared Models – informal Shared Services, Investment JVs and commercially orientated shared services

Transformation Model – In-sourced Models and Strategic Partnerships

Product Models – trade sale, licensing, franchises and revenue share models

Our work at the local Government Association – creating a shared service and a Teckal helped the client more to a more efficient and commercially agile model – Find out more

Mosscare St Vincent’s – Developing a Digital Strategy

Digital First worked with Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Association to support the organisation increase its digital presence and service delivery, help develop a strategy and delivery roadmap.  Through a technology review,  staff engagement and outcome based workshops we assessed the baseline position and created the digital transformation roadmap and project priorities for MSV.

Our collaborative style of working with MSV helped secure a cross organisational buy-in to the transformation roadmap and now forms a key strand of its Back to Basic transformation programme.

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