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How we work

DigitalFirst prides itself on its collaborative style of working with public sector organisations; we work with our clients to achieve lasting change, building real capacity and delivering on our commitments. Our customers and relationships are long-term. Our track record speaks for itself.

Our People

All of our consultants have exceptional track records in their own right, having each spent in excess of 20 years working in their professional field of expertise, either as senior Directors and managers and/or very experienced senior operational managers in industry.

We can provide real value for money, because we have low overheads because of our associate consultancy model, at the same time our consultants have work together over varied and numerous assignments and therefore, there is real synergy in the way we work.

Over the years our people have developed tools and techniques that we know to work effectively, and we pride ourselves in sharing our knowledge and approaches with our clients. Our team of associate consultants are recognised digital specialists. Our two directors are introduced below.

Digital First’s Ethos & Values

Listening: We listen to customers. We seek sound understanding of customer needs and requirements. We will draw on different approaches and will work with you to agree a joint plan. We remain open to changes and will say if will can’t directly and will sign post you to someone who can, in order to add value to you. We are honest about our strengths and weaknesses. We communicate openly, offering ideas that are truly in the customer’s interest.

Trust: We help you achieve your desired outcomes. We will earn your trust through our actions. When trust is established customers are able to fully disclose business needs, issues and risks, and we are able to be clear about where we can and cannot help.

Challenge: We will work with to establish truly innovate business models that challenge established norms and challenge the way you have always done things in the interests of giving you a competitive edge and allowing you in turn to offer your customers to do business with you in ways that are effortless for them. Our customers tell us that the modern business models and structures that we create for them are truly inspirational and innovative. This approach is at the heart delivery of digital services.

Digital First has worked alongside the bi-boroughs of Westminster City and Kensington & Chelsea Councils (the Bi-Boroughs) to provide specialist advice in the design, development and benefits evaluation of a new Adult Social Care digital platform to improve service delivery and efficiency and deliver better outcomes for service users.

We collaborated with key operational, technical and policy staff across the two boroughs to assess the design and development of the emerging digital platform to identify, capture and quantify the range of opportunities and benefits that a fully integrated digital platform for adult social care services can deliver.

The implementation of the digital platform provides financial benefits which include large savings of up to £12.3m including 3rd party savings from contract savings, overhead savings, and income generation  for the bi-boroughs.

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